Kit Consulting

Advice on IA

Equip you with a plan of artificial intelligence tailored to the needs of your business, prioritizing your learning techniques of artificial intelligence.

Between 10 and less than 50 employees

Segment B

Between 50 and less than 100 employees

Segment B

Between 100 and less than 200 employees


What is the solution of Advice on IA?

Identification data

Identification of sets of relevant data for the implementation of algorithms of AI.

Advice on protocols

Advise you for the development of protocols for data governance with policy of AI, ensuring the validity and the veracity of the same when you apply the AI.

Tools of data management

Analysis tools of AI for the management of data, making recommendations based on the investment capacity of your sme.

AI techniques

Guide your thinking about how AI techniques can be to derive valuable information from the existing data to drive strategic decision-making.

Data management

Train you in the strategic use of AI techniques in the management of data.

Project for your business

Develop and run a case use adapted to the business, related with the application of artificial intelligence.

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